Is it a sin, to be normal?
normal |ˈnôrməl|
1 conforming to a standard; usual, typical, or expected : it's quite normal for puppies to bolt their food | normal working hours.• (of a person) free from physical or mental disorders.
2 technical (of a line, ray, or other linear feature) intersecting a given line or surface at right angles.
3 Medicine (of a salt solution) containing the same salt concentration as the blood.
• dated Chemistry (of a solution) containing one gram-equivalent of solute per liter.
4 Geology denoting a fault or faulting in which a relative downward movement occurred in the strata situated on the upper side of the fault plane.
Saya memang kuliah di jurusan psikologi. Yang, notabene, seringkali dikaitkan sama orang gila dan punya gangguan. Yang, saya males bantah panjang lebar. Sekarang, saya aja lebih banyak bersinggungan dengan yang 'ga gila' dan 'ga punya gangguan'. Kayaknya.
Not gonna write about what people think about my major, anyway.
Tapi, suatu hari, ada seorang teman pria yang cerita kalo dia lagi dideketin seorang perempuan, dan saya bingung, karena tumben-tumbenan temen pria saya ini ngerasa bingung ketika didekati perempuan. *bingung juga ga?* *sukurin*
Intinya, dia akhirnya bilang alasannya dia ngga 'sreg' sama perempuan ini:
"She tries too hard to be freak, and weird."
Ho. I got this. Yes. I often see some people tries too hard to be, freak, weird, different, unique, andwhatsoever. And sometimes, I just want to say,
"Ladies, It's okay to be normal."
We do study about abnormalities. The abnormal ones. But we don't have to be in it. Like, seriously. Unless you're Radiohead, stop calling yourself a weirdo. Let people do, if you really are. Some people are being weird because they're being themselves. And that's fine as well. They not trying to be weird. Then, they're being unique. We're all unique in some ways. It just, do you really have to try that hard to be weird? Be careful, you might be end up being fake, rather than unique.
If you can't be extraordinary in a good way. You don't have to be extraordinary in a bad way.

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