Happy belated birthday to me! Yeay!
Happy belated long weekend to me! Yeay!
Happy Happy Busy So That I didn't Write.. Nay!!
Karena sedang malas berbasa-basi, tapi ingin posting biar tetep gaul dan eksis *ga deng* *iya deng* *ga deng*. Maka gw akan posting mengenai..
"Here Are The Top 37 Things Dying People Say They Regret. Learn From It Before It’s Too Late."
These kinda websites are my 10 minutes escapes. I found this article, aaaanddd, let's recap what should I do before *uhuk* getting
married older *uhuk* so i won't regret it!
1.) Not traveling when you had the chance. Traveling gets harder as you get older, as more people depend on your presence, day-to-day and it ends up becoming more expensive to bring more people with you.
==> well, I do travelling sih.. but yes, I cancel one big chance.. *sob*
So, let's not do it again ya R!
2.) Not learning another language. You probably took years of another language in high school. You should put it to good use.
==> Hmm.. English is my another language, anw.. *in denial*
3.) Staying in a bad relationship. It may feel hard to get out of a bad relationship, but it’s not worse than staying in it and wasting everyone’s time.
==> pernah ga ya? pernah. nyesel? nyesel karena jadiannya sih ngga. nyesel karena sampe sekarang masih sering digangguin, IYA.
4.) Forgoing sunscreen. It may not seem like much, but sun damage adds up over the years, causing wrinkles and discoloration.
==> noted. *bawa sunscreen selalu*
5.) Missing the chance to see your favorite musicians. You never truly know when your favorite band might break up, so seize the day.
Karena nonton video mereka konser di luar selalu bikin iri, maka gw nyesel, telat suka sama Bigbang.
So, Gw ga akan melewatkan kesempatan nonton COLDPLAY dan BIGBANG. **SEKIAN**
6.) Being afraid to do things. Fear can paralyze us, but we can’t let it.
==> Alhamdulillah, selama ini rasanya gw bisa mengatasi ketakutan gw yang ga masuk di akal.
7.) Failing to make physical fitness a priority. As you get older you’ll realize how important it is to take care of your body.
==> IYA, IYA. Seminggu 3 olahraga lagi deh. Starts from, next.. month? Muahaha..
8.) Letting yourself be defined by gender roles. Define yourself, don’t let society do it.
==> Na'ah. I won't.
9.) Not quitting a terrible job. You may need to pay rent or provide for a family, but you can’t force yourself to be miserable every day.
==> I left the bad environment behind.
10.) Not trying harder in school. Grades are important, but what’s more important is learning how to apply yourself and be dedicated.
==> sudah terjadi. well at least, I finished my master degree gracefully.
11.) Not realizing how beautiful you are. There are many definitions of beauty and you shouldn’t think you’re unworthy of someone’s attention.
==> I'm not perfect, but that's fine for me. Paling ngga, gw cantik untuk beberapa orang kok.. *ketjup orang2 tertjinta*
12.) Being afraid to say “I love you.” Loving another person is a precious gift, even if that same love wasn’t returned.
==> HA..HA..
13.) Not listening to your parents’ advice. They have a lot more experience than you’ll want to give them credit for.
==> My parents rarely give me advises. We call it discussion.
14.) Spending your youth being self-absorbed. There is more to the world than just you and eventually you’ll realize that.
==> I didn't.
15.) Caring too much about what other people think. When you’re older, you’ll realize that the opinions of others don’t factor into your true happiness.
==> I didn't.
16.) Supporting the dreams of others over your own. Being nice is one thing, but sacrificing your happiness isn’t worth it.
==> Hmmm...
17.) Not moving fast enough. Don’t hesitate to make decisions, you’ll end up regretting wasting time.
==> Noted. I'll move fast enough.
18.) Holding grudges, especially against those you love. Choose to let go of your pain, instead of dwelling on it.
==> against those I love? i won't.
19.) Not standing up for yourself. Just because others may disagree with you, it doesn’t mean you have to abandon your principals.
==> I won't abandon my principals. I'm not gonna argue with someone i know i don't need to argue with.
20.) Not volunteering enough. There are countless reasons to help other people, especially when they are needy.
==> enough volunteering, Alhamdulillah. Not closing the chance to do more.
21.) Neglecting your teeth. Flossing and brushing may seem annoying, but it’s much better to take care of your teeth while you’re young instead of losing them later.
==> I DID. Caffeine treats them bad.. :(
22.) Missing the chance to talk to your grandparents before they die. They hold a lot of knowledge and they will only be around for a little while.
==> didn't have the chance to make memory with my eyang uti (from father side) and mbah peget (from mother side).
23.) Working too much. You’re going to miss the good parts of life, or be too stressed to enjoy them, if you do.
==> This will be hard to explain, but, I love working. Seriously. My office is a great environment with crazy, great and awesome talents. Feels like playground with a little bit 'stress' sometimes. We need that little stress to keep us learning, struggling and developing, right? My weekend projects. Feels like paid holiday. Hahak..
24.) Not learning how to cook one good meal. It’ll add to your family and friend get togethers more than you can ever imagine.
==> I cook good meal, right honey?
25.) Not stopping to appreciate the moment. Quit texting or taking pictures and realize what you are doing when you are doing it.
==> Noted.
26.) Failing to finish what you start. Every day is an opportunity that shouldn’t be squandered.
==> Noted.
27.) Never mastering one awesome party trick. This seems silly, but just think of how many amazing memories you can create.
28.) Letting yourself be defined by cultural expectations. If your family or country thinks you should do something for a career, you’re not forced to. Never.
==> I'm so grateful for having a great & supportive family. And, Noted.
29.) Refusing to let friendships run their course. Sometimes people drift apart. Forcing that connection could do more damage than good.
==> Noted!
30.) Not playing with your children enough. Kids are joyful and innocent. You should be choosing to fill your life with this joy, not avoiding it.
==> NOTED, SIR!!
31.) Never taking a big risk (especially in love). Taking a bigger risk can pay off more than taking a smaller one.
==> HA!
32.) Not taking the time to develop contacts and network. It may seem like schmoozing, but it’ll help your career in the long run.
==> Noted, and I hope I'm not that late.
33.) Worrying too much. Worrying, especially about things that haven’t happened yet, is useless.
==> Noted.
34.) Getting caught up in needless drama. Drama can be addictive, but there is no point. Don’t get off on how bad your day is.
==> But I love drama. hahaha.. Noted. I have avoiding so much drama lately.. You drama 'ck', 'hhh', 'ck', 'hhh' lady.
35.) Not spending enough time with loved ones. We are all on this earth for a limited amount of time, don’t take that for granted.
==> NOTED. I mean, seriously.. NOTED..
36.) Never performing in front of others. This may not be your true calling, but trying it at least once is an important life experience.
==> I did performing in front of people. YEY!
37.) Not being grateful sooner. Learn to say thanks and learn to mean it. So many parts of your life will improve if you do.
==> Alhamdulillah, I have my
#grateful projects. And, noted. I'll try to be grateful everyday.
ha! I hope this LOOOOOONNNNGGGG post will make you busy for next one week!