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June 09, 2011


Happy Thursday people!!!

Weew, a lot of things need to be shared. I'm so sorry that I have to prepare some presentations, important ones, so that this blog was neglected.. :(
Here I am. Got to tell you some updates:
1. I have resigned from BINUS University. This is hard. But this is the choice I have to take due to my next update -->
2. GOT MY NEW 'JAKUN' and 'KTM'. Yeaaaay!! I'm officially a student again!! Wish me luck people!!

Then, in this post, I'll share about my first update. Teng terereeeeng...

Yes, May 31st was my last day at BINUS UNIVERSITY. I've told you, this is not easy. I've told you as well how I love this place, this job. But, once again, this is the choice I've made. For my study.
May 30th, we held an internel meeting. But since this meeting was started, I know, I wasn't there. My mind was flying here and there. Rewinding all the so called great and silly time we had. And, the last session of the meeting was my session. As a talkative one-yeay- this is the hardest session I ever had. Hrrr. I didn't mean to be so mello-dramatic. But I couldn't. -Ah, I hate Manga for having such of it-
It was hard, even only to say 'Thank You', without remembering all the memories I had with each of them. So, yes, I cried. A lot.

Mbak Astri, my manager. She always know how to support her team. She always emphasizing that the important thing from a task that was given to her team is the chance to learn and improve.
Mbak Anggi, my head section. The one give me trust that push me to learn and improve. The one that thought me alot about the structure and procedure.
Mbak Reno, the one that frequently got 'another job' from me, when the deadline was closeeeeeer.
Mbak Ucil, my snack stealer. :p the one that always cheer me when she bullies Ocep.
Eileen, the great BINUSIAN. From students that took a mentor role, than bravely took nindya role than came as one of the family. Trust me, you'll learn a lot from this team.
Mbak Dede, *uhuk* we want another baby in the team *uhuk*. Mbakku yang baik dan bijak. The one who always teach me how to grow up, hillariously. :p
Ci Lau, orang paling sabar sedunia. The one that might remember me as her nightmare. Since, one day, the first time we took the same route to go home, we were trapped in a worst flood. No bus, bajaj, or cab. Meh. Sooooowwwrrryyyy ya...
Vica, the photographer. The one that seems keep alot in her mind. I hope you cam learn and improve alot with this team. I know this team need your hands more than you think.. :)
*elap ingus*
kakak Geoooo, the one that gave me farewell speech as if I were his girlfriend. Ah, my partner in GAULness. My last MCing partner. I wish you came earlier deh Kaaaak, We could have made the most gaul duet ever. Eh, terima kasih ya sepatunyaaaa... *ciumbasah*
kakak Yeyey, my fashion-guru. My shoe-fetish partner. My lovely sister. Huhuhu. The one that I always come to when I need to charge my battery. *ini kok kayak porno ya jadinya??* *shoooooooo*
Rut, Cinca Lowra KW9. The one that I love so much. :D for the reason that you know ya Ruuut. :p without you, my day would be so empty. Trust me.
Wiwit, the one that take me to train-world. The most-orderly person in team. That put things right in the right place precisely. Take a breath Wit..
Mbak Ria, my partner in almost everything. Coffee time-mate. Bullying people-mate. Gossiping thru eyes-mate. Planning something bad-mate. Ah, we shared too much Mbak, that's why we fight a lot as well. My Padang Jauh genk.
My Ocep!! The one that show me that grow up is fun when you keep your childhood inside. I'll miss you live stories, your gossip about everyone-that sometimes i don't even know-. I miss the time you sneak up to my desk and put that frustrated face when the formula you made didn't work. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaa..
Last but not least, the one that I didn't meet in my last day, Mangaraja. The one that took me to this great place. Let's meet up at Sagalaherang.

Thank you all, Cry, Laugh, fail, learn, success, and all of the great things happened in my life.


  1. huhuhu ka RR udah resign duluan sebelum diribetin sama BC2015.. hihi
    see you in another time(and place, and condition sepertinya..)
    God bless you kaaa :)

  2. huhu .
    kak roro yang manis .
    aku sedih jadinya ..
    see you kak .

    *keinget seyum manis kakak pass interview aku ...*

  3. @ J: iyaaa.. will miss you all.. Thanks yaaa... GBU J..
    @ Put: :') kamu bisa aja deh deeek.. :):)
    Semangat yaaaaa.. ayo lulus... 3,5 tahun saja..
